Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It started as a trainwreck...

Sometimes irony, is just too ironic.

I first found Casey Serin and his dreadful plea for sanity, via the (RIP) old trainwrecks site.

I loved the trainwrecks site, it gave me a quick link to the weird, the awful, and every now and then the wonderful. (Whirlygurl I think you rock, but hey you want to stay private). Trainwrecks disappears thanks to the hidesous Heaven Nose. No links for that site, as it appears to be written by a total psycho, WHO MAKES NO FREAKING SENSE WHATSOEVER.

Casey I've watched on and off switching from bemusement, to contempt, to pity, to disbelief, to WTFOMGGETAJOBULOOSER, yet he keeps blogging. Every now and then I expect the punchline to be posted, but it will probably just twitter out to nothingness. Hey who knows the fucker might get a job. HAH!

An interesting drama is unfolding with the SerinBlogWars. Chief antagonist seems to be Nigel Swaby. As far as I can work out he's a petty little nobody that wants to be part of the cool kids. Cool kids seems to be the posters at Exurban Nation. Stuff at Exurban is sometimes funny, sometimes downright disturbing. WTF, people are stalking Casey? Isn't this what he wants, the infamy, the attention? As far as I can tell Nigel is running 3 or more blogs that are pro Casey but Anti Rob Cote. He's not even good at the internet insults is Nigel. He's failed to mention Hitler, Chuck Norris or anyone's Mom. Seriously give it up Nigel, and move along. The one that 'spoofs' Rob Cotes site is kinda sad. He really reminds me of an old flatmate - aka Peabody, cus he was such a contemptible little twat. Yes twat, the worst thing about living with Peabody was the feeling of contempt you had to deal with every day.

There's also the commenting blogs. Regular Exurban posters, plus all the ones that just try and back on to the extra traffic that come from linking inside a nasty dirty little Blogowar. And do not forget the morons trying to leverage their latest multi layered marketing scheme on the world.

Seriously they are all mostly fucked.

And the worst thing, it's so fucking awful you just can't look away.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Umm new performancing

yer kind of teh suckage again

Bastard of the year award

What an asshole.

This poor woman has NO OTHER OPTION YOU FREAKS.

The 35-year-old Evans' bid for a baby began in 2000 when she and
Johnston sought fertility treatment at a clinic in Bath, southwest
England. During an examination she was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous
condition of her ovaries.

Prior to the surgical removal of her
ovaries, she and Johnston had IVF (in vitro fertilisation) and six
embryos were created in 2001. They were later frozen and put into

Yuh blah blah blah man's rights to financial freedom. How about give her sole custody of her fertilised eggs. He loved her enough to have a baby with her and now he's changed his mind?

Just because the baby isn't born yet, he had every intention of fathering her children. He can't change his mind now.