Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm moving!

All gone to here

Some links to the world savers

Some places around where some different thoughts on the whole carbon credit fiasco:

New Internationalists - a bit too left for the latte lefties, but raises some valid points:

Rather than stop the flow of oil, coal and gas, the offset industry tells us that we can continue as normal. We can drive as much as want, fly as much as we want, and eat our non-organic Coldplay mangoes in the Canadian winter. We need not reduce; in fact we can now consume our way out of the problem. Now we can buy offsets on top of our Caribbean holiday and thus ‘neutralize’ our impacts. It is a seductive argument.

Australian Conservation Foundation - Appropriately left enough and has the popular stance on carbon credits.

One of the other suggestions gaining popularity is going ‘carbon neutral’. The basic idea is that you pay someone else to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions you cause.

Hancock Watch- As far as I can work out they don't want any logging done anywhere and are most hysterical about the Hancock company and about forests being planted for carbon credits and then dug up? I am pretty sure this is an anti logging site - but does have some good links to other sites. Try to ignore the hysterical photos of dead and bloodied wildlife.

Government definitions - well we can't solve the problem until we define what the problem is - plenty of jargon and meaningless words. Also we won't be able to say who's fault it isn't until we have roles and responsibilites properly misunderstood.

CarbonPlanet - umm. Pay close attention to the pretty graphic, which as far as I can tell is just another way to pay for something else you don't need.

Live Earth - find out how much of a carbon footprint you make!! All the popstars are doing it so it must be a cool cause right?

Investment Opportunity aka get rich quick off the environmental woes. - Probably masterminded by Casey Serin.

Climate Positive Help the boy cross the river with the whole world on his shoulders! (Could they be less obvious?)

Creating a market

Some days I wonder harder than others if perhaps I have gone insane. Driving home yesterday in the usual bumper to bumper, I heard an interview that was so full of paradox I felt my head would implode. Driving home with the hundreds and thousands of other drivers all wanting to get home as fast as humanly possible. Driving home not as fast as humanly possible, because there are hundreds of thousands of other people trying to do the same thing. Driving home, in my car, because there is no alternative to get me from home to work. Driving home, because it would take me approximately 3 hours EACH WAY to use public transport; adding 4 hours onto my working day.

So here we all are driving, our fossil fuel guzzling, air polluting machines that cause death and carnage and get us to places more slowly than anyone would like, and I hear this “hard hitting current affairs” piece on the radio. They were interviewing some CEO's of carbon credit companies. The big issue, apparently, is that there is a lack of standard auditing procedures for said carbon credit companies. Consumer organisations are up in arms: How does anyone know that they've done what they've said they would do? Apparently it is up to the government or some accreditation board to ensure that these companies are doing what they said they would do. There is accreditation for such activities apparently, only it isn’t standardised. Apparently people (and seems a lot of people) are forking over money to unaccredited companies and there is a concern that they might not get what they paid for? The big problem according to the CEO's of said companies is that other companies are unaccredited?

Umm hello?

The problem is that people are TRYING TO PAY PAYING SOMEONE ELSE TO DO THE HARD WORK. So it's okay to use plastic bags with abandon, driven 8 cylinder car, spend $4,000 on a pair of jeans sewn together by a 5 year old, if I pay someone else to undo all the nasty things I did?

Isn't that like deliberately hurting someone over and over then saying sorry every time and exepcting all the hurt feelings to just go away?

I was incredulous that these CEO's were talking about the new pioneering market and how it was important to give consumers good value for money.

Hey? It's a market? In what, exactly? Consumer? Consuming what? I think the consumers have all consumed quite enough, thank you, it's how we got ourselves to this ridiculous point in the first place.

Now we are going to buy our way out of it?

When I think about it, aren't they getting exactly what they paid for? A guilt-free approach to consumerism? Aren't they looking to PAY SOMEONE ELSE TO FIX THE PROBLEM? Does someone who buys designer clothes, drive a 4WD, take regular overseas trips for fun, actually care if the money they give for carbon credits actually does what they are paying for? Nothing else in their lives is value for money, should this be any different?

There's a problem with the environment, so to fix the problem people are going to SPEND their way out of it? And they are spending money, paying a company to plant trees?

What really amazed me was the people at these companies talking about the emerging 'market' of carbon trading. Let's be serious folks, they are talking about planting trees. That's not a market, that's fucking gardening. There is no consumer DEMAND for tree planting. There is no market for planting trees. We can't water our own gardens when we need to and we are paying someone else to plant trees so we can consume fossil fuels guilt free. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?

And apparently everyone else except me thinks this is a good thing.

It is a good thing that an entire industry and apparently a brand new consumer market has sprung up around the fact that we are happily destroying the environment?


Profit is going to save the world?

Friday, June 15, 2007

I call shennanigans

So Casey is in Australia?

On a one-way ticket using an ETA.

Don't buy it. You can't enter the country on a tourist visa on a one-way ticket.

Friday, May 11, 2007

"lol Nigel"

Casey Serin - An Alternate Take


The pompous twit has finally turned.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It started as a trainwreck...

Sometimes irony, is just too ironic.

I first found Casey Serin and his dreadful plea for sanity, via the (RIP) old trainwrecks site.

I loved the trainwrecks site, it gave me a quick link to the weird, the awful, and every now and then the wonderful. (Whirlygurl I think you rock, but hey you want to stay private). Trainwrecks disappears thanks to the hidesous Heaven Nose. No links for that site, as it appears to be written by a total psycho, WHO MAKES NO FREAKING SENSE WHATSOEVER.

Casey I've watched on and off switching from bemusement, to contempt, to pity, to disbelief, to WTFOMGGETAJOBULOOSER, yet he keeps blogging. Every now and then I expect the punchline to be posted, but it will probably just twitter out to nothingness. Hey who knows the fucker might get a job. HAH!

An interesting drama is unfolding with the SerinBlogWars. Chief antagonist seems to be Nigel Swaby. As far as I can work out he's a petty little nobody that wants to be part of the cool kids. Cool kids seems to be the posters at Exurban Nation. Stuff at Exurban is sometimes funny, sometimes downright disturbing. WTF, people are stalking Casey? Isn't this what he wants, the infamy, the attention? As far as I can tell Nigel is running 3 or more blogs that are pro Casey but Anti Rob Cote. He's not even good at the internet insults is Nigel. He's failed to mention Hitler, Chuck Norris or anyone's Mom. Seriously give it up Nigel, and move along. The one that 'spoofs' Rob Cotes site is kinda sad. He really reminds me of an old flatmate - aka Peabody, cus he was such a contemptible little twat. Yes twat, the worst thing about living with Peabody was the feeling of contempt you had to deal with every day.

There's also the commenting blogs. Regular Exurban posters, plus all the ones that just try and back on to the extra traffic that come from linking inside a nasty dirty little Blogowar. And do not forget the morons trying to leverage their latest multi layered marketing scheme on the world.

Seriously they are all mostly fucked.

And the worst thing, it's so fucking awful you just can't look away.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Umm new performancing

yer kind of teh suckage again

Bastard of the year award

What an asshole.

This poor woman has NO OTHER OPTION YOU FREAKS.

The 35-year-old Evans' bid for a baby began in 2000 when she and
Johnston sought fertility treatment at a clinic in Bath, southwest
England. During an examination she was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous
condition of her ovaries.

Prior to the surgical removal of her
ovaries, she and Johnston had IVF (in vitro fertilisation) and six
embryos were created in 2001. They were later frozen and put into

Yuh blah blah blah man's rights to financial freedom. How about give her sole custody of her fertilised eggs. He loved her enough to have a baby with her and now he's changed his mind?

Just because the baby isn't born yet, he had every intention of fathering her children. He can't change his mind now.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Does the whole world need to grow up?

So apparently it's myspace's fault that people are stupid?

The lawyers who filed the latest lawsuits said the plaintiffs include a 15-year-old girl from Texas who was lured to a meeting, drugged and assaulted in 2006 by an adult MySpace user, who is currently serving a 10-year sentence in Texas after pleading guilty to sexual assault.

Last June, the mother of a 14-year-old who says the youth was sexually assaulted by a 19-year-old user sued MySpace and News Corp., seeking $US30 million in damages. That lawsuit, pending in a Texas state court, claims the 19-year-old lied about being a senior in high school to gain her trust and phone number.

So apparently people lie on the internet? Wow?

And the parents don't feel any responsibility in letting their 14 year old wander off to meet a complete stranger?

So if she had have met him via friends would they sue the friends? Did they arrange to meet over the phone are they gonna sue their phone company?


Friday, January 05, 2007

It's so horrid I can't look away

By the way.. out of about a thousand people who received the email I only got one person somewhat interested. I’m surprised more people are not willing to put their money to work at 24%. Maybe because people don’t understand they can be private lenders on real estate.

Good lord!!!

This guy is not just out for his two minutes of internet fame. He's a crook!!

Give me your money, even though I've lost all mine and I'll pay it back. Promise. No really, I will.

How stupid do you need to be

This guy is so stupid, arrogant and self centred he might just be the role model for his generation.

It's so, so awful, yet I just can't look away.